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The Texas Blue
Advancing Progressive Ideas

Known Knowns, Unknown Knowns

Forgive me for waxing a bit Rumsfeldian with that title, dear readers. I've been out of circulation this week, but man oh man what a way to wade back into the pool of Texas politics. There's not other way to describe this poll from Lake Research other than damning.

What I think is most of interest here aren't the Cornyn numbers, but rather the numbers under questions four and five pertaining to President Bush's popularity and the track on which the country is headed. The overall favorability of 42% with only 20% being very favorable is eye-popping as is the 62% saying that the country is headed on the wrong track. After all, this is Texas and for most Americans, this is the last bastion of Bush Country.

While I think these numbers point toward a potential statewide opening for Democrats, I do not think they necessarily point toward a groundswell of support for Democrats. We're going to have to work hard to take advantage of this situation, but this morning hard work looks to have better odds of paying off than at any time in recent memory.

The sad news?

14% of those polled have never heard of him.


Seriously, I mean we all know he's the Junior Senator from Texas, but when almost 15% of Texans don't even know who you are, that's taking flying under the radar to a whole new low.

Stealth Senator

Maybe he's coated in technologically superior stealth material.

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