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The Texas Blue
Advancing Progressive Ideas

News Roundup, 2/29/08: Last Days

We have many things to cover and a long way to go between now and Tuesday, but some developing stories will stay with us for the duration.

The first and main item is the story that broke last night about possible litigation by one or both of the presidential campaigns against the Texas Democratic Party over the caucus process. This is a developing story and there will be more to it than reports about conference calls and official letters, but right now those things are the extent of the available knowledge. TDP General Counsel Chad Dunn asserted in his letter that such litigation would be "a tragedy for a reinvigorated democratic process." We'll see how this turns out.

In other presidential campaign news, the Clinton campaign reported yesterday that in February they brought in $35 million, which is her best month ever. Think about that. February is a short month, even in a leap year, and that's bringing in well over $1 million per day. Reports from the Obama campaign that they have more than that — and the late night rumor was something like $50 million — would solidify this campaign cycle in the history books as being ridiculously awash in cash.

For more money news, the Republican Party tipped its hand this week and openly complained that telecom companies aren't giving the GOP enough money in return for the GOP's quest for telecom immunity on wiretapping. Here's the story. I'm still trying to come up with something to say about that other than it makes me feel slightly ill that they can do this sort of thing out in public and not be beaten and jeered on the National Mall as a result.

Last night we were at the Fort Worth Convention Center for another Obama rally, and I liveblogged it here. We'll have pictures and video for you later today. In the meantime, you could check out this work by Senator Clinton over at the Huffington Post, where she did a little blogging of her own.

Yesterday I posted this week's episode of Who's Blue, which has updates from each of the campaigns and the Texas Democratic Party. Garry Mauro joined us on behalf of the Clinton campaign, State Representative Rafael Anchia related news about Obama's campaign, and TDP Communications Director Hector Nieto gave us some insight in to what the days following the debate have been like in Austin.

There's obviously going to be a ton to talk about between now and Tuesday, and you have our thanks for staying with us throughout. You could even feel free to tell your friends about us, if you were so inclined. Thanks for reading. (And if you haven't voted yet, go get 'em.)


Before you vote in the primary, I urge you to read the excellent article in the December issue of The Atlantic entitled "Goodbye To All That: Why Obama Matters" (available online). Author Andrew Sullivan makes several cogent arguments why Obama is the best choice, some of which you may not have thought of.



Why the sigh?

Oh my!

I saw another GOP defector to Obama today in the local news daily on the interwebs. Read the William Steding letter to the editor.

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