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The Texas Blue
Advancing Progressive Ideas

News Roundup, 4/29/2008: Now All We Need To Find Is Voting Fraud

Voter ID laws caused a bit of a tumult yesterday, as the United States Supreme Court upheld an Indiana law requiring photo identification to vote.

The Supreme Court upheld the law despite little if any evidence that any voting fraud exists that would be prevented by requiring voter identification, and with some evidence that such a law would disenfranchise the elderly and the poor. Indiana does provide a free ID to anyone who does not have a drivers' license; the Indiana law also allows voters to vote provisionally and produce identification later.

In presidential news, John McCain seems to have gotten himself into a bit of hot water as Judicial Watch filed a Federal Elections Commission complaint against him for a fundraiser held in London. The fundraising venue was provided to him for free. From the news piece:

Judicial Watch argues that providing a venue for the event free of charge was an illegal in-kind contribution from two foreign nationals — Lord Rothschild OM GBE and The Honorable Nathaniel Rothschild.

Democratic National Committee chairman Howard Dean is starting to raise the volume on his call to superdelegates to pick a side. He made it very clear yesterday morning on ABC that superdelegates need to pick a side by the end of primaries on June 3rd.

And ex-Republican presidential hopeful and current immigration nutcase Tom Tancredo is out stumping for the border fence again. Which is a great thing, because the more he represents that side, the crazier it sounds. At a congressional field hearing in Brownsville, Rep. Tancredo was roundly booed for supporting the border fence — which apparently he didn't take well to, dismissing opponents as holding a "multiculturalist attitude toward borders" and telling them, "I suggest that you build this fence around the northern part of your city."

Chris Bell writes yesterday about what a difference a Democratic district attorney — and granting access to the Innocence Project — makes in a comparison between Dallas and Harris counties, and Josh Berthume takes McCain to task on health care. Enjoy, and thanks for reading.

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