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The Texas Blue
Advancing Progressive Ideas

Not Our Pork

Why are congressional Democrats and Democratic analysts letting themselves be blamed for the pork in the Iraq spending bill?

The MSM punditry is spinning itself into a tizzy reminiscent of a bad episode of Crossfire. Republican analysts are complaining about how the Democrats bought themselves a bill, and Democrats are responding that it's not about the pork — it's about setting a real timetable for withdrawing from Iraq.

Yes, it's about withdrawal. But it's also about pork. The Republican noise machine has made it about pork. And sticking our necks in the sand and refusing to address why the pork is there will not make that issue go away.

So why not hit back with the truth about the bill? It's plain as day, after all. Americans voted overwhelmingly for troop withdrawal in the '06 elections, a point confirmed by every single poll I've seen published since then. Democrats then try to enforce troop withdrawal in the Iraq spending bill. Republicans won't go with it, so Democrats have no choice but to give them concession after concession until enough of them have bought into the bill. It's Republicans that are making the pork necessary, not Democrats. The message here should be, "we had to give Republicans those concessions because they refused to listen to the American people, and we were willing to put the will of the American people and the welfare of our soldiers in harm's way over petty partisan pork bickering." Probably with a bit tacked on about the President's threats of a veto after that: "...and it saddens us that after all our efforts to effect the will of the American people over Republican political games, the President would again choose to ignore the people's clear message. But if he thinks that will deter us, he is mistaken — we as Congress are the voice of the American people, and his refusal to listen to the message we received in the '06 election does not change our responsibility to represent the people's will. The President can threaten to veto this bill, but our message cannot — must not — change. It is the people's message, and no one, not even the President, can impose his will upon that."

I'm not sure if it's because I'm envisioning Clinton's evisceration of the Fox News campaign to blame him for 9/11, or Webb's direct and powerful response to the State of the Union address, or perhaps I'm simply growing increasingly sick of Democrats' automatically assuming fault for everything because they hold a majority (of sorts) in Congress, but it aggravates me to no end that we are trying to pass a bill that represents the will of the vast majority of America against recalcitrant, nonsensical opposition, and yet we still look like the bad guys in the press. How is it possible that the Republican party somehow got their hands on everyone that could craft a half-decent message that would stick on a national level? How can it be that we hold a majority in Congress, have the American people behind us, and still can't be effective enough on the political arena to at very least present ourselves more effectively than a president with a 30% approval rating?

Having newfound power in government makes it an exciting time to be a Democrat — but that doesn't make it any less frustrating.

You're not kidding

I stayed up WAAAAY late last night reading the actual text of the bill as reported from committee. I only got about 3/4 of the way through before it cured my insomnia, but here's what I found:

1. Iraq Freedom Fund - $155,600,000 – What the f**k is this?
2. Defense Working Capital Funds - $1,315,526,000 – Working capital?
3. Drug interdiction and Counter-Drug Activities - $259,115,000 (war on terror, indeed)
4. Department of Defense Base Closure Account - $3,136,802,000 – Do we need to use 3 billion to shutter bases? Why does it cost money to shut down bases? Can’t we sell them? Pardon me if I sound Republican here, but only our federal government could find a way to make shutting something down cost money.
5. Civilian Reserve Corps - $50,000,000, but not until authorized by another act of Congress. We already have reserves. The trouble is that Bush has destroyed them by using them up without good reason. Reserves are for when it hits the fan. National Guard is for when it hits the fan on U.S. Soil.
6 Title II – Sec 2101 - $25,000,000 – Additional compensation to livestock producers that suffered losses in excess of the maximum. Similar provisions for crops and citrus.
7. NASA “Exploration Capabilities” related to Hurrican Katrina - $35,000,000 – Then section 2201 throws in an additional $48,000,000 “emergency hurricane-related expenses in 2005”
8. Section 3103 - $25,000,000 bailout to Spinach growers.
9. Section 3108 - $74,000,000 for peanut storage costs

Steve Southwell
WhosPlayin? Blog:

Actually, It Is All About the Pork

The previous "40-year" Democratic Congress spent its time, as Th. EDSALL notes in the New York Times yesterday, "opposing weapons systems" and "trying to cut the Pentagon budget".

But, guess what? They never actually terminated one single program. They influenced the distribution of outlay a little, not the total or the mix. Indeed, they taxed "blue states" to throw money at "red states".

And, that is all we still have.

Speaker PELOSI cannot pass, Hell, cannot contemplate de-authorizing and un-funding anything. Her rabble are still the cornpone, "Jes' He'p Ever'body", "Hold Harmless" party of undisciplined, venal, mostly incumbent office-squatters.

House Democrats have no defense or foreign policy they can enforce on their own membership, much less impose on the other chamber and branches.

True, they have the constitutional power to not originate a funding title and appropriate funds for it. That cannot be "vetoed" or "conferenced". But, they cannot use the one power they have because of their own cowardice and corruption. They prefer idle gestures they know will have no effect at all.

This Democratic Congress is already as unpopular as its predecessor. It is really just a campaign collective: They run for office, they decorate offices, they hire aides, they raise money, they run for office.

They do not govern themselves nor exercise their constitutional powers effectively. The people will be sick of the lot of them by 2008. Hand-wringing and grand-standing is all they -- the feckless, cringing-liberal, Democratic "leadership" -- know how to do.


It's been a while since I've heard anyone use the word "feckless".


Man, that's nothing. He uses "cornpone." I'm pretty sure I never would've heard that word had I not spent that week in Mississippi.

I guess when you have time to troll, you have time to pore through thesauri finding esoteric words to use for them.

Though I have to say that referring to Nancy Pelosi, the "San Francisco Democrat," as cornpone amuses me. It wouldn't shock me if I were to find out that she's never seen a piece of cornbread in her life. Nothin' wrong wi'dat, Miz Nancy, we southen' folk don't mindcha one bit.

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