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The Texas Blue
Advancing Progressive Ideas

Pictures from Clinton's Rally at Fair Park Coliseum

Check after the jump for images from Senator Clinton's rally in Dallas on March 1 at Fair Park.

Hillary Clinton at Fair Park Coliseum
While it may not have been quite as big as some of the crowds Senator Obama has turned out in North Texas, Senator Clinton's crowd was plenty loud and happy to see her.

Hillary Clinton at Fair Park Coliseum
Comparisons and analogues to Barbara Jordan and Ann Richards have been a mainstay among supporters and staff since the campaign came to town.

At the Hillary Clinton rally at Fair Park Coliseum
This sign is in reference to a recent Clinton ad, which can be viewed here. She referenced this sign during her speech and reiterated her point that experience matters in times of trouble and when there are difficult decisions to be made.

A Woman's Place is in the White House
This is another popular slogan that's been around since Clinton first started thinking about running. Diana mentioned to me after the event that she was happy to see so many little girls at the rally, and it struck me that the ones I saw seemed genuinely excited to be there and to see Hillary Clinton. No matter how the election turns out, this is no doubt something many of those little girls will remember for the rest of their lives.

 Biased Old Men
This sign and the supporter holding garnered plenty of attention from the press and other supporters. This is in reference to Senator Clinton's assertions that she hasn't gotten a fair shake in debates, which ended up being the subject of a Saturday Night Live skit that garnered attention in its own right.

At the Hillary Clinton rally at Fair Park Coliseum
Rule #1: Two homemade signs shows you mean business. Rule #2: Rhyming makes everything better.

Arkansas Travelers for Clinton
These supporters travelled from Arkansas on their own dime to volunteer for the campaign. The lady on the right told me there were about 70 of them from Arkansas and a few dozen others from other states.

At the Hillary Clinton rally at Fair Park Coliseum
The gathered crowd not only had signs (both homemade and union printed) but also bandanas and even pom-poms. The bandanas were distributed and about half the crowd got red ones and half the crowd got blue ones. I'm not sure what they were meant to signify or if they had a purpose other than to act as general event swag.

Hillary Clinton at Fair Park Coliseum
Senator Clinton was introduced by Henry Cisneros, who joined her briefly on stage.

Hillary Clinton at Fair Park Coliseum
I like this picture. It is often hard to get a good picture of people when they are talking, but sometimes you can capture a moment that sort of sums up the appearance, and this is it. Serious, emphatic, professional, discussing matters of import. Have I mentioned that I'm proud of both of the candidates?

Chihuahuas for Hillary
Ironically enough, this is probably the best picture I've taken the whole primary season. Chihuahuas come out for Hillary in force.

Fair Park

Yes she was there, but did she do a keg stand? The North Texas Irish Festival was also at Fair Park this past weekend. I skipped out on all that to see Forest Whitaker.

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