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The Texas Blue
Advancing Progressive Ideas

RNC Chairman Achieves Nine Months' Worth of Goals

Florida Senator Mel Martinez announced yesterday that he was resigning as chair of the GOP after nine months on the job. Mission accomplished?

"It was my goal as general chairman to lead the RNC as it established the structure and raised the resources necessary to support our Presidential candidate and ensure Republican victories next November," Martinez said. "I believe we have accomplished those goals. That’s why it is the appropriate time for me to step down as General Chairman and continue to focus my energy on serving my constituents in Florida."

Well, that settles that. It has to be disheartening to see the mechanisms of a once-mighty machine brought so low. Sure, they had a big dinner the other night and put together $5 million in donations, but what should have mattered most was missing: most of the party's candidates for the presidency. If you can't keep your candidates around long enough for them to make their scheduled speeches, and you can't keep your chairman at the helm longer than some professional sports seasons, how can you hope to shape the overall campaign effort for your party?

So Martinez heads back to Florida, and the RNC goes in search of a new chairman. I wonder who they will get this time. Dare I say it, perhaps Karl Rove? They are in the business of making bad decisions, so why not floor it and see where they end up?

The Evil You Know

Tough times to be a Republican, particularly one tasked with getting more Republicans elected...scratch tasked with trying to stop the bleeding.

Their own don't want to give them money because there's not an immigration stance to the left of Tancredo that's xenophobic enough to satiate the base and non-Republicans have a cornucopia of reasons not to give them money, most salient among them right now being how much they hate American families.

Oh yeah and the President's approval is 24%.

Not that Mel's getting the heck outta Dodge or nothing...

We don't joke like that in these parts

So Martinez heads back to Florida, and the RNC goes in search of a new chairman. I wonder who they will get this time. Dare I say it, perhaps Karl Rove? They are in the business of making bad decisions, so why not floor it and see where they end up?

Let's pray Karl Rove finds a new occupation that does not involve democracy in any way, shape, or form.

Plus ce change

Let's pray Karl Rove finds a new occupation that does not involve democracy in any way, shape, or form.

For which he'd be well qualified, considering that his old occupation did not involve democracy in any way, shape, or form.



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