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The Texas Blue
Advancing Progressive Ideas

The Spectre of Law & Order & Bonzo

If you're like me (and since we're on the internets, I'll assume that you are), you had a nice, tidy little laugh when you heard the GOP kicking around Fred Thompson's name as a possible candidate for President. Surely, I thought to myself, Thompson would never be seriously considered against a McCain or a Giuliani, and no one would take him seriously over the southern gravitas and candor of a Huckabee or even someone silly (and yet formidable!) like Romney.

So imagine my surprise to see, on CNN, that Thompson is running third in a recent USA Today / Gallup poll.

I think in all of this I feel the worst for Romney, who has raised a ton of money, gotten a lot of earned media, and still has a dismal showing in the polls. It is very early, but not so early that you can totally write off being swallowed by the margin of error in a Gallup poll.

The obvious, hilarious dichotomy is that while the GOP always attacks Hollywood as some psychic vampire which drains the tasty morals of our nation's citizenry and turns it into gold coins, they are the party who runs actors and gets them elected. Romney should fear Fred Thompson, and even though every part of me thinks it is ridiculous and impossible that he could be a real candidate, stranger things have happened.

Odd man out

I'm part of that weirdo minority on the intertubes, clearly. When I first heard Thompson's name come up as a potential Presidential candidate, my list of Republican first-tier candidates grew one larger. One, the "race" started far too soon for any of the established standard-bearers to come out of it without mud on their face. Two, the man is fantastically self-funded, and three, he's a politician's politician -- he knows how to play the game better than anyone currently in the Republican field, bar none. He comes across and will come across as more polished, more well-spoken, and all around more Presidential. And probably because of, not despite, his experience as an actor. Maybe there's something there it would serve us well to learn from?

Yeah, but who's our

Yeah, but who's our version?
Baldwin? That guy from Wings?

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