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The Texas Blue
Advancing Progressive Ideas

Standing Up to Iran

Dear Mr. President,

How are you? I hope things are going well. I enjoyed your pardoning of the turkeys during Thanksgiving. It really gave me a chuckle when that one turkey interrupted your speech. Good times.

I’m writing you today because the American people need some clarification. I’m deeply concerned about the recent exchanges between the United States and Iran. On Monday, the National Intelligence Estimate released a report that Iran had halted its nuclear program back in 2003. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has called this report a victory for the Iranian nation in the face of the international nay-sayers. This is the same nuclear program you insisted would lead to World War III if not stopped. I imagine most leaders would be relieved at such news, and would see this as a sign of progress in this region. Instead, you insist that Iran is still a threat.

I consider myself to be a reasonable person. I weigh every side of an argument before making a decision, and I’ve spent hours trying to take your perspective of this situation. With the latest news from the NIE, I cannot determine why you’re asking the leadership of Iran to fess up to their actions.

We know now that Iran is not trying to develop nuclear weapons, only that they used to have the capabilities to do so. By your logic, any country that has the capability to start up a nuclear program is a threat to the United States, which could include most of the countries around the world. Should we consider them a threat as well?

But your disagreement with the rest of the world’s sentiment about this report makes me suspect there is something more to this situation. The question is: What is it? What is Iran doing that warrants these strong words? Do you feel the United States has a reputation to uphold? Is it the assistance Iran is suspected of providing the insurgents in Iraq? Are you planning World War III so you can save the economy FDR-style? Is it your love of the color-coded Threat Level chart?

Please do not hesitate to tell us, Mr. President. We can handle it. You don’t have to give away all of our national secrets; we just want to be sure we don’t start a war with Iran for the same misguided reasons we started the war in Iraq.

If we’re under a serious threat, we have the right to know. And if you’re merely flexing your muscles, we have the right to know that, too. But let us know soon, so that if we need to make extra preparations, Congress can wiggle it into its schedule.

Happy Holidays,

Happy Holidays, indeed.

Oh Betsy, you're amazing.

There's one muscle I would like Bush to "flex," his under-used muscle on top of his snarling face.

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