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The Texas Blue
Advancing Progressive Ideas

Texas Supreme Court Justice Medina Indicted

David Medina, a Texas Supreme Court Justice appointed by Governor Perry in 2004, has been indicted in connection with a June 2007 arson fire at his home in Harris County.

The story above and this one at the Chron lays out some of the details, but I was most interested to see this in the KHOU story, from Harris County DA Chuck Rosenthal:

"It is our collective feeling there is not enough evidence to pursue prosecution of the indictments and that the indictments be dismissed," said Rosenthal.

There was also this, in the Chron:

District Attorney Chuck Rosenthal said in October that David Medina was not a suspect in the arson.

Rosenthal really seems to be raging against the machine on this one. We'll have more for you as it becomes available. Hat tip to Harvey, purveyor of all things breaking news.

GJ asst. foreman screams 'coverup'

Also Harv:

"If this was a truck driver from Pasadena, he would already have been tried and convicted," said Dorrell

Jeffrey Dorrell served as the assistant foreman of the Harris County Grand Jury that indicted Texas Supreme Court Justice David Medina and his wife earlier today.

In a just-completed interview with Quorum Report, a furious Dorrell accused District Attorney Chuck Rosenthal of a political cover-up for refusing to pursue the just-returned indictments.

Stickier and stickier.


This seems like it is sort of spiraling out of control quickly.

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