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The Texas Blue
Advancing Progressive Ideas

Tom DeLay and The Lone Star Project

If you aren't on the Lone Star Project's email list, you may have missed this bit they did on Tom DeLay's new book, titled "No Retreat, No Surrender." Matt Angle, while reminding us what a horrible specimen DeLay is, produced what might be the most humorous photoshop featuring Tom DeLay and action star Jean-Claude Van Damme that you'll ever see, after the jump.

DeLay's book shares a title with a little-known and long forgotten movie featuring the Muscles from Brussels, in which he befriends a small boy and receives training from the ghost of Bruce Lee. And I'm not kidding.

The other image in the email illustrates the hypocrisy found in DeLay's book without even cracking it open:

Both images prompted some hearty laughter around the office, and who are we to not spread the joy around?

Currently up at the Lone Star Project is some great coverage of the ongoing TYC scandal, and their whole project is worth checking out. And if you still don't believe me about the Van Damme movie, here's the proof.

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