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The Texas Blue
Advancing Progressive Ideas

Video: Clinton Speaks to Supporters in Fort Worth

In this footage (recorded this morning by my wife, Diana) Senator Hillary Clinton speaks to supporters in Fort Worth, Texas. The scheduled rally was canceled out of respect for Dallas Police Officer Victor Lozada-Tirado, an officer in Senator Clinton's motorcade who was killed in a motorcycle accident earlier in the day. Video after the jump.

Clinton is the REAL thing

How can Hillary Clinton be abused so much by the liberal media now? She's devoted her life to helping people as a public servant. Not being objective about her now is just downright emotional hyped-up spin by those who are blinded by Obama's shiny X-factor star gleam. Watch out that the glare doesn't make you see double!

Hillary, for any of you that have more than half a decade of political memory, has been fighting for the underdog for years and years. She has grit, guts, determination, intelligence, fortitude, grace, and experience.

Obama can't even stop smoking! How's that for immature? "My wife gave me an ultimatum so I have to quit smoking."

If he can't even have the common sense to quit smoking and take care of himself, how can he be mature enough to take care of an entire nation?

My vote is for the classy lady. Sorry Obama. Your turn next time around when you're all grown up and we know you a little better.

David from Texas

Hillary Clinton - Why the abuse?

I can't say it any better than you did David. My vote also has already gone to this classy, hard working, sincere, brilliant, gutsy, graceful woman. I never liked Hillary before, but after watching one of the debates a few months ago and after John Edwards dropped out, I had to take a second hard look at her, her record (, and her life. I've donated several times to her campaign which is a first for me in a Presidential election and I sure hope she pulls it off. I haven't given up. I don't understand why people are so taken with Obama. I just don't see the record, history, character or depth. Yes, I agree with you, I think Obama has alot more growing up to do and I want to learn more about what the Rezko trial reveals if anything, and just give him more time to show who he is, what he is willing to stand up and vote for, etc. Thanks for the video. I hope Hillary comes back to Fort Worth.

clinton for guns

The first Clinton administration cost me my 35 years as a federal firearms dealer licence and the second will probably cost me my remaining guns Oh well I'm down to less than twenty now anyway. Obama only want to restrict my (assault) wepeons but the definition of that is a sham. The Democrats fixate on the guns not the criminals. The want to make us all as defenceless as college kids in a classroom. Does anyone remember the girl at church who shot the guy who had shot several pepole She didn't kill him but he then took his own life. Maybe we should allow college students to carry guns on campus. If you don't want to keep your guns vote for ClintonGunnystan

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