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The Texas Blue
Advancing Progressive Ideas

When Minimum Wage Attacks! Sen. Cornyn's Response

Monday Jan. 29

Since the minimum wage issue is up for vote again, I decided to write my Senator (I already wrote KBH last year and got a small business sob story). So since I've never actually written Senator Cornyn before, I figured I would try this out on him. Simple and to the point, since I know he is a slow reader. Unfortunately I couldn't draw stick figures for him.

Dear Senator Cornyn,

You will be asked to again consider a vote for the raising of the minimum wage. It is imperative that you allow the vote and discontinue any filibuster against it. It is also imperative that you do not amend the bill. A simple vote on the matter should suffice.

If you will recall, mainstream America voted for change in November. The majority of people wanted new voices in the House and Senate to push forth that change. One issue of change was the minimum wage. It is being demanded by mainstream America, that after 10 years, the wage should be increased. No increase in that amount of time is simply unjustifiable.

You have to consider just how much the cost of living has increased even in the last 10 years. The cost of gasoline has increased more than $1 per gallon in that time. Even a gallon of milk is $1 higher than it was 10 years before. It is all of the little things that add up, that someone like your or me who has a healthy income usually do not consider in their normal everyday lives.

I have already heard the Republican arguments against a raise. I have heard that "adults only make minimum wage for a brief time and then get a raise at their jobs". This of course is only partially true. Many jobs do not pay minimum wage, but still pay low wages. My partner was working a 2nd job that only paid $6 an hour at a large retail store. The store refused to even discuss a raise, even after one year.

The other argument I have heard is that "it will hurt small business". Unfortunately that one is most always false, as we know most small business owners know what it is like to work for low wages, so they actually pay their workers fair wages and provide them with insurance coverage when possible.

A wage of $5.15 in the year 2007 is clearly unacceptable. In fact, I do not think a $7.25 minimum wage by 2009 even goes far enough. But it is a start. You must vote to increase the current minimum wage. Mainstream America has spoken.

Wednesday Jan. 31

Behold. The power of the internet. Senator Cornyn's office responded today to my letter from 2 days ago regarding the minimum wage increase. The response is below (and yes his name was displayed in all caps). As you will note, it is the same song with new and improved phrasing. All for the low low price of $5.15.

Dear Mr. McClelland:

Thank you for contacting me about efforts to increase the minimum wage. I appreciate having the benefit of your views on this issue.As you may know, the Minimum Wage Increase Act of 1996 (P.L. 104-188) established the current minimum wage level of $5.15 per hour. I understand the concerns that many Americans have about the difficulties confronting low-wage workers. While increasing the minimum wage may be well intentioned, I do not believe it will - by itself - aid minimum-wage employees or make the U.S. more competitive in today's global economy. Such an increase would further the financial burden on small businesses and ultimately translate into higher product prices and layoffs. These consequences would disproportionately hurt low-wage workers.

To improve the well-being of American workers, Congress must focus on promoting continued economic growth, reducing the tax burden on small businesses, and increasing production - circumstances that will benefit all Americans. You may be certain that I will keep your comments in mind as I work with my colleagues in the Senate to promote economic growth and secure the financial well-being of all Americans.

I appreciate having the opportunity to represent the interests of Texans in the United States Senate. Thank you for taking the time to contact me.

United States Senator

As you know, I explained to him that he was wrong in my letter to him, without the use of stick figures in my email. Apparently, stick figures must be used in all future correspondence with the honorable Senator. Without simple illustration, raising the minimum wage to $7.25 will not be understood by the GOP.

(Crossposted from my local blog Little Corner of Democracy)

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