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The Texas Blue
Advancing Progressive Ideas

Josh Berthume's blog

Handicapping the New Media Candidates: Kucinich v. Giuliani

Dodd has the Dodd Squad and his proposed army of videographers, asking questions. Hillary has her Sopranos spoof and a campaign song chosen via vote from her campaign website. Now Dennis Kucinich is throwing open the doors of his YouTube channel to the public.

Independence Day Roundup: A Logic Problem

Everyone continues to wrap their brains around the commutation of Scooter Libby's jail term by President Bush, and the train doesn't stop there: now Bush has categorically refused to rule out the possibility of a pardon winging its way to Libby's doorstep.

Texas Blue Mailbag: Week of 6/24/07 (no, really)

This week's mailbag is mixed, so to speak, and nationwide.

(and the "Week Of" date is fixed now — turns out we skipped a week there in early June. Oops! — GN ed.)

The Trouble With Thompson

Whether you've felt concerned, nauseous, or vindicated by the Washington Post's series on the Cheney Presidency, Sally Quinn has a scenario that is sure to keep you up at night: a GOP revolt leading to Vice President Thompson.

Quick Hits From Sugar Land

Two bits of interesting news this afternoon, both concerning Texas 22nd Congressional District.

Rahm Emanuel, Hero

Democratic Caucus Chair Rahm Emanuel has the perfect answer to Dick Cheney's recent statements that he doesn't count as part of the executive branch — a move to excise the office of the Vice President from executive funding.

The Campaign Trail To MistakeTown

Much of the news in the last 24 hours or so has been about Michael Bloomberg, but on the Democratic side of the presidential race, hijinx were recently afoot.

A few notes on our Veterans series

In this last week's episode of Who's Blue, a focal point of my conversation with Congressman Chet Edwards was the appropriations measure his subcommittee had sent to the floor of the House which increased funding for the VA. It had been under veto threat from the White House because it had asked for more than Bush had recommended in his budget.

What Rhymes With Subpoena?

Things got a little more complicated today in the US Attorney scandal: two subpoenas were issued by Congress, and one of those went to Harriet Miers.

No Shortage of Earned Media and "The God Gap"

The Democratic candidates debated on Sunday and decent press followed, including plenty of arguing about who won. Last night Clinton, Obama, and Edwards discussed the role that faith plays in their personal lives and their politics in a smaller forum, with positive results.

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