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The Texas Blue
Advancing Progressive Ideas

Josh Berthume's blog

Monday Roundup: Debate and Switch

For those of you that didn't get to see last night's debate: you missed a social engineering experiment put on by CNN, in which the top three candidates were literally placed in the middle of it all.

Debate Prep

CNN has a solid rundown of what will likely be the focus of tonight's debate, and Politico has some "I wish" questions.

Friday Bonus Roundup: John Edwards' Locker + Democratic Debate Liveblog #2

I have been remiss — this story came out a few days ago and I have neglected to write about it, but here it is: John Edwards has a stake in pirate booty found on a sunken ship.

Homeland Security Oversight Needs... Oversight?

Filed in the you've-got-to-be-kidding-me department: Republicans are saying that Democratic Congressional oversight on and investigations of the Department of Homeland Security are overly burdensome and creating problems. Their solution? They're launching an investigation and engaging in a little oversight.

Friday Roundup: Chairman Richie Stomps The Yard

Texas Democratic Party Chairman Boyd Richie earns a gold star for his raucous zinger at a rally yesterday.

We Have A Candidate: Mikal Watts

The news broke a few days ago that Congressman Nick Lampson would not be running for Senate, and would instead run for re-election in Texas' 22nd Congressional District. On the heels of that came confirmation of what has been widely speculated for the last several weeks: Mikal Watts is forming an exploratory committee and will run for US Senate.

Wednesday Roundup: Around The Dome In 140 Days

If you find yourself looking for a catch-all rundown of what the Lege did and did not do this session, you will find plenty of stories carrying that sort of cargo over the next few days. I'm sure the bigger papers will have more exhaustive lists in their weekend editions and editorials on Sunday, but AP has you covered right now.

Bill Tracker: A Very Special SB 482

Sure, the session's over. But that doesn't mean there won't be a special one. Today I look at one bill that might bring the Lege back to stomp the yard, as the kids might say: SB 482.

Tale of the Tape

Do you remember when George Allen lost the race for his Senate seat in Virginia? The exact moment when he lost may be hard to pinpoint, but the videos of him calling some guy Macaca and of people with "Allen for Senate" stickers beating up a law student at the Omni Hotel probably had something to do with it. Now Kos is urging the troops to videotape all things and appearances Republican, and Washington Post's Chris Cillizza isn't sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

Things Are Tough All Over (Cornyn Poll Edition)

SurveyUSA has a Texas Senatorial Poll out, and Cornyn turns in another poor showing. Some of the crosstabs reveal a few interesting points.

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