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The Texas Blue
Advancing Progressive Ideas

Josh Berthume's blog

TexVAC Rayburn Johnson Dinner: Begala, Clark to Speak in Dallas

We learned today that the 2nd TexVAC Rayburn Johnson Dinner on April 28, 2007 will feature former Texas Governor Dolph Briscoe, former Texas Lt. Governor Bill Hobby, former Congressman Martin Frost, and Waco businessman and philanthropist Bernard Rapoport. The keynote speaker will be Paul Begala, whom you all know from the campaigns of a man named Bill. General Wes Clark will be attending and speaking on behalf of Dallas businessman Jess Hay, the dinner's honoree.

More on TDEx: Raymond On The Case

We had a little bit of news yesterday about the growing TDEx scandal, and just a few minutes ago I received a press release from Representative Richard Raymond's office concerning some legislative action. Rep. David Swinford, the chair of State Affairs, accepted Raymond's HB 4108 as an amendment to a general Homeland Security bill, HB 13. The transfer of TDEx to the DPS is at the very least going to the floor, and if Perry and Dewhurst's inability to control the Lege as of late is any indication, it will probably pass.

Tuesday Roundup: Some Bad News

The lead story yesterday is the lead story today and will probably be the lead story tomorrow. The rampage at Virginia Tech was the worst of its kind in United States history, and yesterday was the first in a series of painful days for family members and friends, a series of days so painful as to be unimaginable for most of us. It is terrible, and we are sorry to observe it.

Monday Roundup: TDex May Cause Some Problems

Rick Perry's office no doubt keeps a great many files — on issues, on opposition research, on bills, on developing items of interest. One thing that you wouldn't normally expect out of an office built around a guy who apparently never communicates via email is a massive database on Texas citizens. The Texas Data Exchange database, or TDEx, referred to as a database of "criminals and potential terrorists" in the media, has raised questions ever since its existence was made public late last week.

Road Words: Delenda Est Starbucks

It has been barely a year since I've been in Austin, and already there seem to be far more Starbucks than before. I fear that soon, Austinites will drive their Starbucks to the Starbucks in an effort to purchase more Starbucks.

Friday Roundup: On The Road Again

Today's roundup will be a bit truncated — the entire Texas Blue crew (plus a bunch of other Denton County Young Democrats) are heading to Austin for the Texas Young Democrats convention. George and I will be updating you from the road as we are able, and maybe even sending a picture or two. If you'll be there and you have time on Saturday, I invite you to attend the workshop I'm running on Coalition Building at 2:45 pm.

Thursday Roundup: There Is No Why

I usually spend roundups talking about Bad Things That Have Happened Recently. Today, however, I would like to talk about a few good things. For instance, did you know Texas led the nation in alternative fuel vehicles last year?

Wednesday Roundup: Minor Threat(s)

TXU keeps threatening people. It threatened to shut down coal plants if they got fined earlier this month, and now it comes out that it threatened litigation against another group attempting to make a bid to buy TXU. The Star-Telegram has the story, and I have some advice: PR is something that must be managed, guys. Plant some trees or something.

Tuesday Roundup: The Late Show

To a source no less than David Letterman and in a venue no smaller than national television, Senator Barack Obama refuted my recent musings as to whether he might be thinking of the Vice Presidency as a contingency. I had pondered the question here, and I am more convinced of my original impression than before Obama's Letterman appearance. Even though it's not an unusual question, I think it signifies trouble on horseback for Letterman to ask it.

Maybe Ben Barnes?

Harvey Kronberg has a Buzz™ out that Ben Barnes is being recruited to run for Senate against John Cornyn. Apparently, in recent days there was a meeting of what Kronberg calls "Democratic muckety-mucks" who lobbied Barnes to consider becoming a candidate. Something to think about is found in the Quorum Report subtitle for the story, which was, "Fund raising would not be the issue."

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