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The Texas Blue
Advancing Progressive Ideas

The Texas Blue: News

New Feature: Daily Digest

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Who Makes Your Political Machine?

Arguments about voting machines are legion these days. As often as a new batch of touchscreen machines are ordered, someone is filing a lawsuit or signing petitions.

Chippendales Dancers, Public Enemy #1

In Lubbock, Texas, the Lubbock Police Department is declaring war on exotic dancing. In this city of 200,000 people, there are no liquor stores, no beer in convenience stores or grocery stores, and now: no dancers frolicking around in their underwear.

Monday Roundup - TAKS underway, Global warming

This week's featured article is an examination by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. of ExxonMobil's PR efforts and the lengths to which they go to combat the idea, rather than the actual problem, of global warming.

Weekend Roundup - Video Slots and Flood Plains

A couple of firms have put forward some proposals for what they would do with the lottery if they bought it, and those proposals include such unsavory things as video slots and keno. Outside of the fact that keno has always seemed sort of silly, increasing the breadth of the lottery to include the aforementioned additions as well as online gaming is going to make the sale even tougher for Governor Perry.

On The Record: Bill Brannon

This week I spoke with Bill Brannon, a Regional Field Director for the Democratic National Committee.

Any Reasonable Campaign

This is probably the last thing you'll ever need to read about the Edwards bloggers and the resultant teacup tempest: every party involved, in one way or another, was wrong.

From the Playbook

If I were in the business of writing campaign commercials like Republicans do, I would have thrown this together:

Opening a Window for Wind Power

The Texas Public Utilities Commission is considering a $1.5 billion proposal by South Texas' Sharyland Utilities to build an electric power transmission loop through the Panhandle and South Plains of Texas tying wind power to traditional power grids. Approval will lead to billions of dollars in future wind power projects and thousands of megawatts to the electric grid.

Friday Roundup - Tomorrow (Fund) Never Dies (?)

How much money have you saved in the Texas Tomorrow Fund for Junior and Sally to go to college? Really? I have some bad news for you: it's running at least a billion in the red, and could be as much as three billion short. This doesn't mean that your money is gone, specifically, it just means that the program, which launched in the mid-90's, couldn't keep up realistically with tuition rates when they started to rise after deregulation. The program has been closed to new participants for four years, and they aren't sure how to pay for the 154,000 or so enrolled when the time comes.