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Iraq Prime Minister: Obama's Right

Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki gave an interview with the famous German news weekly Der Spiegel yesterday where he named Barack Obama's 16-month withdrawal plan specifically as the "the right time frame for a withdrawal."

Maliki was quick to state that wasn't tantamount to an endorsement, saying that "who they choose as their president is the Americans' business." But he gave a sideswipe to McCain's plan along with his approval of Obama's, saying that those discussing short time frames are being "more realistic" and that "artificially prolonging the tenure of U.S. troops in Iraq would cause problems."

He also had a very interesting bit of opinion to share on the topic of framing the discussion of troop withdrawal:

"So far the Americans have had trouble agreeing to a concrete timetable for withdrawal, because they feel it would appear tantamount to an admission of defeat," Maliki told SPIEGEL. "But that isn't the case at all. If we come to an agreement, it is not evidence of a defeat, but of a victory, of a severe blow we have inflicted on al-Qaida and the militias."


The sooner the better.

Time Table--Time Line-- what a joke

Fight the war---check the situation and decide what to do. No time line or mandated departure is worth talking about.-------What a stupid argument

False war

I'm about sick of that argument. Make a formal declaration of war, and we have a war. Otherwise, we're just sending in troops to fight for reasons that don't represent us -- because our representatives never chose to accept them. We are *not* at war. The Iraqis are at war. We are donating troops to a cause the president wants to support, and they are dying.

We do not have a war, and the surge didn't work. Violence down to pre-2006 levels? Were we happy about that level back at the end of 2005? How can we claim a victory for now having only 80 soldiers die for every 100 that died before?

Sorry, Bob, but on this site we *don't* accept premises like "fight the war" blindly. You'll have to do better than that.

Give em hell, George!

This war has been a disaster for our Country, and its blind proponents have fought mercilessly to destroy all remnants of economic opportunity and liberty in America. They are ignorantly waging a war of fear and hatred against Gays, Mexicans, Non-Christians, and independent thinkers.

But God be praised that their reign is almost over. Come January 09, the hate-mongers will be forced to sit and brood while we begin dismantling their chains from our nation. November 5th is going to be a sweet night for Democrats, lovers of the Constitution, and fans of peace. But it's going to be a hard pill for the Nazi-right to swallow.

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