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The Texas Blue
Advancing Progressive Ideas

Is It OK To Call You A Bigot Or Is That Elitist?

This little nugget in the Dallas Morning News' Trailblazers political blog made me so angry I had to immediately put the keys to my Volvo back in my pocket*, scoot my latte aside**, get on the coffee house's wireless*** and blog about it**** instead of ordering some sushi*****:

While a number of speakers -- such as Railroad Commission chairman Michael Williams and Mike Huckabee -- have praised the advance of Barack Obama and what it means towards a colorblind society, at least one vendor hasn't gotten the message.
At the Republican state convention, a booth hosted by Republicanmarket was selling a pin Saturday that says: If Obama is President will we still call it the White House?

At least those folks know their audience. I do wonder what Railroad Commission Chairman Michael Williams thought about that button?

*I drive a Dodge truck.
**I dislike lattes.
***I'm at home.
****Well, this much is right.
*****That's for later tonight.

What year is it?

Because my calendar says 2008.

Holy Crap!

You have got to be kidding me! Or maybe the real question is: why was I surprised?

Protest Racist Obama Pin Sold by TX GOP Supporters!

Hi All: Please sign this petition and let the Texas GOP know what we think about their racist pin: Thanks!

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