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The Texas Blue
Advancing Progressive Ideas

A Primary Consideration

We've been talking about a meaningful Texas primary for about a year, starting way back when it seemed like it might be moved up by legislation. Now it seems like the field may force the finalization of the nominee later and later, and Texas is beginning to loom for the Democratic candidates.

The Old Fashioned Way

Tuesday's going to be interesting. Focused polling is already tough enough, but polling over the range of Super Tuesday states is a tall order. Add to that some polls picking up an Obama surge while others are not, and it looks like this is going to be done the good old fashioned way:

On voting day, at the ballot box. Or the electronic voting machine.

Primary elections in Texas

A lot more people will turn out for the primary elections in March if the presidential candidates have not yet been decided by then. That is very good for the challengers for local offices. When there is no presidential contest, very few voters turn out and invariably the incumbents carry the day.

Does this mean rallies in Texas?

I've never attended a Presidential rally. Would be fun fun this year!!

anything could happen...

...but this is probably not outside the realm of possibility if things are still clipping along by then.

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