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The Texas Blue
Advancing Progressive Ideas

Rounding Up the Failures of Cowboy Diplomacy

Had the president paid attention in basic civics and history classes, he would understand how democracies are formed. Democracy must internally come from the ground up. Another country cannot bring it, irrespective of their motives or intentions.

Such actions — Vietnam, for example, or now in Iraq — only produce neocolonialism. We are attempting to make another country adapt to our ways, whether they want to or not. Not surprisingly, an administration repeatedly proving itself big on rhetoric but short on intellect could care less what recipient nations actually want.

Only partially grasping that Vietnam had been a mistake, Bush still believes that only America knows what is best for other nations. If they do not like it, well, it has been preordained that our troops come on in anyways. Cowboy diplomacy is this White House’s one-dimensional but emotionally genuine foreign policy. Under Plan George, we abandon common sense and overstay our 'welcome' just to see an idea through to the end.

Attempting to separate the American President from the people, other world leaders try counseling Bush about salvaging what he can of an international reputation. This is an admirable task, and one that must require a considerable reserve of patience. So many others — including some departing members of his inner circle — have thrown up their hands in frustration.

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