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The Texas Blue
Advancing Progressive Ideas

Curtis Rochelle's blog

The Republican Election Strategy: Bold or Desperate?

Things may look bad for the Republicans this year, but they have a plan.

O'Reilly Gets a Nod from the Spin Zone

Think Progress pointed out some interesting opinions in the Pentagon's documents on their military analyst program. In these documents, the Pentagon praised conservative pundits, including Bill O'Reilly, Charles Krauthammer, and Michelle Malkin, as being good sources for their analysts to look at. Considering what they were saying, the Pentagon seems to have an interesting definition of "thoughtful commentary." Check out some examples at the link.

Is Supporting the Troops Too Expensive?

Veteran's affairs workers were told to avoid diagnosing veterans with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), according to an internal memo.

Republicans Stumble Over Talking Points

Two members of the Right embarrased themselves on live TV yesterday, when their carefully constructed arguments collapsed under simple factual inquiry. It was bad news for Republicans, but good news for Democrats and anyone who likes really funny YouTube videos.

The YouTube Debate Returns

Election politics found a home on the web in this year's presidential primaries.

McCain RNC Appointee Resigns Over Myanmar Connection

Doug Goodyear, McCain's choice to run the 2008 Republican National Convention, stepped down on Saturday.

More on "McCainonomics"

McCain delivered a major economic policy speech yesterday, and a lot of people have been paying attention to his calls for a gas tax holiday.

Second Mistrial in Miami Terror Case

A government case against seven suspected terrorists ended with a deadlocked jury for the second time today. The "Liberty City Seven" allegedly conspired to knock over the Sears Tower and blow up FBI buildings, before they were thwarted by FBI informants.

No Shortage of McCain VP Speculation

With the Republican nomination decided, McCain has presumably had some time now to consider his running mate. He seems to be taking his time, and it's no wonder; there are plenty of prominent Republicans who might be considered, and none are without drawbacks.

Pentagon Releases Secret Torture Memo

A 2003 Department of Justice memo, declassified today as part of an ACLU lawsuit, gives us a a disturbing window inside the administration's process of legally justifying torture. The memo, which was rescinded in December 2003, argued that the executive branch overruled federal and international laws governing torture.

The 81 page memo is available at the ACLU website.

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