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Advancing Progressive Ideas

Curtis Rochelle's blog

Terrorist-Funding Banana Baron Raises Cash for McCain

First there were the ties to Myanmar, now this. Big-time McCain fundraiser Carl H. Lindner Jr. was CEO of banana producer Chiquita Brands International. During his tenure the banana company sent hundreds of thousands of dollars to the United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia, a brutal paramilitary organization. Last year, the company was ordered to pay fines for supporting the group.

Louisiana Governor Signs Creation Science Bill

Last week, Lousiana Governor Bobby Jindal signed Senate Bill 733 into law, against the objections of scientists and teachers. The bill, couched in buzz-words like "critical thinking" and "logical analysis," claims to be religion-neutral. However, one need look no further than its pro-creation science sponsors, groups like The Louisiana Family Forum and The Discovery Institute, to see Senate Bill 733 for what it really is.

Prominent 527's Sitting Out

The 2004 election saw a preponderance of well-funded attack ads. Independent pro-Republican groups are still raking in cash for the campaign ($80 million in the first 16 months, nearly double what they made four years ago in that period) but that money has been spread out over a larger number of groups. So where are the vicious attack ads this year?

John Edwards and Sam Nunn on Obama's List

Everyone's been wondering who is on Obama's list of vice presidential picks, and today we learned two names: former Georgia senator and foreign policy heavyweight Sam Nunn, and John Edwards.

Bush, McCain Push Offshore Drilling

John McCain may soon find it even harder to differentiate himself from Bush. Earlier this week, he advocated a lift on the 26 year ban on offshore drilling in the United States. President Bush followed suit, pressuring congress to lift the ban. Both have had a history of opposing offshore drilling, but apparently changed their minds owing to the dire political need to reduce oil prices.

Mark Warner Says "No" to VP Speculation

Cross another name off the list of high-profile VP possibilities: former Virginia governor Mark Warner will not accept the vice presidency. Warner cited his commitment to his U.S. Senate candidacy, saying that he will neither seek nor accept any other opportunity.

Straight Talk on McCain "Town Hall"

Republican candidate John McCain held the first of a series of much-touted "Town Hall" meetings on Thursday. In this year's contentious, divided election season, these meetings are a welcome sign of transparency and goodwill. McCain met with Democrats, independents, and Republicans and engaged in a real dialogue on the issues.

Guantanamo Detainees Get Habeas Corpus; Bush Says Trials Will Continue

The Supreme Court again repudiated Bush's Guantanamo policies on Thursday. In a contentious decision, the Supreme Court ruled that detainees at Guantanamo can appeal their imprisonment, and allowed them the right of habeas corpus.

Secrets, Accusations, and Denials: Is Bush Laying the Grounds for Long-Term Iraq Presence?

Our president dismisses claims that the US is building permanent bases in Iraq; Iraqi leaders tell a different story.

Senate Panel: Bush Misrepresented Iraq Threat

Last Thursday the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence released Phase Two of its report on prewar Iraq intelligence.
In the report, the committee analyzes speeches by Bush, Cheney, and other key officials, and compares them with intelligence reports released before March 2003.

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