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The Texas Blue
Advancing Progressive Ideas

Grace Stevens's blog

Joe Lieberman Gets In Trouble

Sen. Joe Lieberman will be disqualified as a superdelegate at the upcoming Democratic convention after voicing his support for Republican presidential nominee Sen. John McCain.

On The Record: Melvin Willms

For this episode of On The Record, we speak with Melvin Willms, the Democratic candidate for Texas Senate in District 9.

Following the Rules is Not Enough

In Dallas, residents protested earlier this week that their applications to become legal U.S. citizens will not be processed in time to vote in the upcoming presidential election, despite promises to the contrary.

On The Record: Linda McGonagill

For this episode of On The Record, we speak with Linda McGonagill, County Chair for the Bailey County Democratic Party.

Thompson's Conflicted History on Guns

As Fred Thompson’s lack-luster campaign for the presidency continues, he looks to capitalize on the Republican scramble for a traditionally conservative nominee for the presidential election. Specifically, in South Carolina Thompson pushes for gun owners and enthusiasts to cast their vote to bring “law & order” to the country in 2008.

Suing Shell

The Sierra Club and Environment Texas are suing Shell Oil Company in Houston in a “citizen suit” provision allowed by the Clean Air Act for alleged violations of federal air quality standards.

Huck/Chuck 2008

If you feel Huckabee does not carry the “tough guy” image needed to appear as a strong, effective president that will fight for Republican rights, please see Huck’s sidekick, Chuck.

Denton County Elections

Not to be lost in the hustle and bustle of the Iowa caucuses are local elections taking place in our future blue state of Texas. Wednesday night Denton County rolled out nine Democratic candidates for the 2008 elections, the first of this number in over 20 years.

Immigration Issues for the Democratic Party

Earlier this month, election results for an Ohio House seat showed an overwhelming majority of voters in the swing state responding positively to the message of tough immigration laws by the winning candidate, Bob Latta.

Grace's Holiday Wish

When given the chance to make one Christmas wish, it took me some time to come up with a single thought that could do the most good for the most people. I am active in politics, namely the Democratic Party, to help everyone realize their dreams in a just and fair society and to fight for the voiceless.

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