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The Texas Blue
Advancing Progressive Ideas

Josh Berthume's blog

Hostage Situation at Clinton New Hampshire Office

A man reported to have a bomb took hostages at a campaign office for Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire. The police have the building surrounded, and apparently the suspect is demanding to speak to Senator Clinton. We'll update this as more comes to light, but until then, turn on your TV.

Daily News Roundup, 11/30/07: Rick Perry Leads By Example

Time for a pop quiz: why would the Republican Governors Association choose, for their leader, a guy who didn't get even 40% in his last election?

Blaming the Milk For Spilling Itself

Republican Senators Saxby Chambliss and Lindsey Graham have started rattling economic sabres at Iraq. The two men have a stern warning for the Iraqi government as it tries to fix its country: hurry up already, or prepare for destitution.

Daily News Roundup, 11/27/07: Peace In Our Time - Preface

Only seven years into his presidency, George Bush has decided that the whole Middle East peace thing deserves some attention. A conference aimed at re-opening the Palestinian/Israeli dialogue opens today in Annapolis, Maryland.

Karl Rove Passes the Biggest Buck of All

This is not an angle I saw coming, but one I suppose we all should have expected: Karl Rove is now blaming Congress for the War in Iraq.

Daily News Roundup, 11/26/07: Winners At The White House

Al Gore is on his way to the White House, but not for the reason everyone thought he would be.

Texas Blue Mailbag: Week of November 18

The Thanksgiving Mailbag features some surprisingly complex questions about old laws, political legacy, and public policy.

Giving Thanks

We asked some of the people who have been kind enough to contribute to the Texas Blue over our first year to share some stories about why they are glad to be involved in Democratic politics, and over this holiday weekend, we'll be sharing them with you. Mine is below the fold. From everyone here at the Texas Blue: have a great Thanksgiving.

Scott McClellan, Live and Off the Reservation

It is a fact of political life: People are going to leave the Bush Administration, and some of them will write books.

15 Was The Number

Hey, Congressional Republicans: Surprise! Another one among you is going to retire at the end of this term.

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