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The Texas Blue
Advancing Progressive Ideas

Josh Berthume's blog

The Giuliani Holidays

Could Giuliani look any more uncomfortable? I mean, really, what's going on here? Maybe Bernard Kerik on his way over?

Daily News Roundup, 12/21/07: Sued For The Holidays

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is suing the Bush administration because, due to the new energy law, California can't reduce emissions as much as it would like. Forgive me for saying so, but this is a Raw Deal for the Last Action Hero.

Daily News Roundup, 12/19/07: The Craddick Curse

The biggest news for Texas Democrats and progressives this morning is Dan Barrett's win over Mark Shelton in the District 97 special election.

FCC Makes Monopolies Easier

Because the crushing pseudo-monopoly of media conglomeration has gone so well and had absolutely no effect on the objectivity of news reporting at all, the FCC has decided to further relax ownership restrictions on media companies. I'm sure this will work out great.

Daily News Roundup, 12/18/07: Dodd (Fili)Busts It

President Bush has been pushing pretty hard lately for telecom immunity in the warrantless wiretapping ordeal, and it looked like he might get what he wanted in new FISA legislation until Senator Chris Dodd threatened a filibuster.

Another Kind Of Endorsement

There's no headline that reads "John Edwards for President" but getting the cover of Newsweek is a substantial chunk of earned media. The story about Edwards within implies a strategic possibility for him to win Iowa as well as a background report on how he got to where he is now.

Daily News Roundup, 12/17/07: Weird Tales, GOP Edition

Ron Paul picks up $6 million in one day and John McCain picks up Joe Lieberman. It is all strange but true.

Big Endorsements for Clinton, Obama, McCain

The first big newspaper endorsements are out, and on the GOP side they are a tad surprising. The Democratic endorsements split between the top two in the top tier — the Boston Globe endorsed Barack Obama and the Des Moines Register endorsed Hillary Clinton. The Republican endorsement from the Globe? John McCain. For the Register? John McCain. What's going on here?

Abott And The Non-Opinion

Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott waited until the last minute and the very best (read: least covered) part of the news cycle to issue his opinion on Tom Craddick's behavior during the last session and how powerful the Speaker actually is. That opinion largely avoided those topics, instead agreeing with Craddick on procedural matters. You can catch the pdf here and Harvey Kronberg's updates here.

Daily News Roundup, 12/14/07: The Nice List

If the Republicans played nice on Wednesday, the Democrats took it to the next level of nice in yesterday's debate.

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