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The Texas Blue
Advancing Progressive Ideas


Obama, Clinton, and Superdelegates

The current media trend in reporting on national politics is to report that Senator Barack Obama has either caught up to Senator Hillary Clinton on superdelegates or that he is now in the lead. The superdelegate count has always been an ever-shifting sandpile with no foundation, with every media outlet having a unique method of counting and, indeed, their own totals for each candidate.

News Roundup, 5/9/08: Strike Two for Cornyn

For those of you who thought our original reporting on just how close the Texas Senate race may be might have been some sort of fluke: Believe it.

On The Record: John Cullar

For this episode of On The Record, we speak with John Cullar, County Chair for the McLennan County Democratic Party.

News Roundup, 5/7/2008: The Aftermath

Last night's results were surprising, but were they decisive?

A Hoosier Barnburner

Obama conceded on Indiana. (Sort of.) Clinton claimed victory. (But was awfully conciliatory.) However, I think the most interesting news tidbit came out of Russert about half an hour ago, when he just sort of mentioned off the cuff that Clinton has cancelled her entire public schedule on Wednesday (except for one fundraiser in Washington.) Patrick suspects deals have already been cut; I am inclined to think deals are being cut right now, but to what end, I don't know.

Wide Discrepancy in Numbers Between CNN, IN Secretary of State

8:45 - Obama leads in North Carolina 55-43; Clinton leads in Indiana 57-43.

You may wonder why our numbers are so different than CNN's. So do we — as we're getting our totals directly from the Indiana Secretary of State and the North Carolina State Board of Elections. EDIT: We'll continue updating numbers over the evening in our Primary Tracker there to the right. Straight from the real sources, of course.

Running IN/NC Primary Election Totals

8:15 - Obama's up in North Carolina 56-42, Clinton's up in Indiana 56-44. For those of you keeping track, No Preference is nearly 2-to-1 outpolling Mike Gravel in North Carolina, at 1.34% to 0.73%, making up the other 2%.

Early Exit Polls

The early line shows Hillary Clinton winning by five in Indiana and Barack Obama winning by 12 in North Carolina. You can get the numbers here, which I have no doubt are being constantly updated.

News Roundup, 5/6/2008: Margins of Error and You

Yes, yes, there are some primary contests today. But there are also very exciting things happening here at home, like some new polling data that looks great for Texas Democrats.

News Roundup, 5/5/2008: Tomorrow Brings Yet Another Primary

This weekend gave you Guam and an R-to-D district flip in Louisiana. Who could ask for anything more?

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