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The Texas Blue
Advancing Progressive Ideas


Humorous Tweets from the White House Correspondents Dinner

JoeTrippi: President Bush starts night by saying he is really tired because he got a call at 3am last night

AnaMarieCox: think I totally turned Scalia around on abortion when we chatted at the newsweek party. Next: find Gates, settle this Iraq thing.

News Roundup, 4/25/08: Taking Care of Business

Senate Republicans continued the drive on behalf of business this week.

On The Record: Jann Fletcher

For this episode of On The Record, we speak with Jann Fletcher, County Chair for the Archer County Democratic Party.

News Roundup, 4/24/08: Pennsylvania Primary Spin Day

After Clinton's definitive victory in the Pennsylvania primary on Tuesday, it stands to reason that the news cycle yesterday would be dominated by analysis.

News Roundup, 4/23/08: The Rorschach Primary

All day yesterday, the psychological number to merit success for Senator Hillary Clinton was ten. The media, the occasional campaign spokesperson, and the man on the street agreed that she had to win by ten points in the Pennsylvania primary to, for lack of a better term, keep hope alive. And wouldn't you know it, that's just what she did?

News Roundup, 4/22/08: Republicans Bashing Republicans, Take 43

I like nothing better than seeing Republicans in a feeding frenzy. So the more Ron Paul invests in taking down John McCain, the better.

News Roundup, 4/21/2008: The Pennsylvania Primary is Tomorrow

This is a time of year when political news is feast or famine. Even in our amped-up environment of high-powered presidential primaries that keep on keeping on there's been a long lull. That lull is about to snap: tomorrow we will have the Pennsylvania primary.

On The Record: Paul Harper

For this episode of On The Record, we speak with Paul Harper, County Chair for the Somervell County Democratic Party.

News Roundup, 4/18/08: Stopping al-Quaeda - You're Doing It Wrong

I've always been a little wary of measuring the success of the surge in Iraq by the number of American military casualties we were suffering. Isn't the supposed reason we're there to maintain stability to prevent al-Quaeda from strengthening and again posing a threat to the United States? Shouldn't that be the metric?

Turns out it's probably not the metric because were it so, we'd have to declare that we have failed.

The Best Recent Political Humor, By Politicians

Normally, when politicians try to be funny, they aren't. It isn't their fault - comedians are professionals for a reason - but they aren't often set up well to execute comedy, and if they are, they fail anyways. But leave it to Colbert to make it happen: last night, Senator Hillary Clinton, Senator Barack Obama, and even Senator John Edwards took comedic turns on his show, and they were all very funny. Video after the jump.

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