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Josh Berthume's blog

News Roundup, 5/5/2008: Tomorrow Brings Yet Another Primary

This weekend gave you Guam and an R-to-D district flip in Louisiana. Who could ask for anything more?

I Left My Heart In Guam

Leave it to this Democratic primary to provide an all-nighter nail-biter in Guam: the eight pledged delegates carrying half a vote each to Colorado will be split after Obama won the caucus by the enormous margin of seven votes.

New Cook Political Report Heavy on Skelly, Lampson

The May 1 Cook Political Report classifies the 7th Congressional District, currently represented by Republican John Culberson, as 'solidly Republican.' Most of the other districts relegated to 'solid [party]' status get a single paragraph, but the report spends 7 paragraphs talking about Democratic challenger Michael Skelly and his chances for mobility.

News Roundup, 4/30/2008: And Lo, the Sixth Seal was Broken

Watch out for the rain of toads - Clinton is going to O'Reilly Town and Bush thinks Congress is to blame for all the costinating at the grocery pump.

News Roundup, 4/28/2008: To a TV Near You

As far as I'm concerned, the biggest news items of the last few days are the new ads by the DNC about Senator John McCain.

Humorous Tweets from the White House Correspondents Dinner

JoeTrippi: President Bush starts night by saying he is really tired because he got a call at 3am last night

AnaMarieCox: think I totally turned Scalia around on abortion when we chatted at the newsweek party. Next: find Gates, settle this Iraq thing.

News Roundup, 4/25/08: Taking Care of Business

Senate Republicans continued the drive on behalf of business this week.

News Roundup, 4/23/08: The Rorschach Primary

All day yesterday, the psychological number to merit success for Senator Hillary Clinton was ten. The media, the occasional campaign spokesperson, and the man on the street agreed that she had to win by ten points in the Pennsylvania primary to, for lack of a better term, keep hope alive. And wouldn't you know it, that's just what she did?

News Roundup, 4/21/2008: The Pennsylvania Primary is Tomorrow

This is a time of year when political news is feast or famine. Even in our amped-up environment of high-powered presidential primaries that keep on keeping on there's been a long lull. That lull is about to snap: tomorrow we will have the Pennsylvania primary.

The Best Recent Political Humor, By Politicians

Normally, when politicians try to be funny, they aren't. It isn't their fault - comedians are professionals for a reason - but they aren't often set up well to execute comedy, and if they are, they fail anyways. But leave it to Colbert to make it happen: last night, Senator Hillary Clinton, Senator Barack Obama, and even Senator John Edwards took comedic turns on his show, and they were all very funny. Video after the jump.

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