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The Texas Blue
Advancing Progressive Ideas

The Texas Blue: News

Might It Be Evan Bayh?

MSNBC is reporting that the Obama press team is scheduled to land in Indiana on Tuesday and not leave for almost 24 hours.

FL. Senator Says Obama Didn't Play Race Card

While the McCain camp is crying bloody murder that Obama is playing the race card, Florida Senator Mel Martinez, a Republican, says Obama has done no such thing.

Pollster.Com's Presidential Map: Friday, August 1, 2008

Riffing off J-Michael's item about the closeness of the Presidential race in Texas, the fine folks over at have a great new feature running that will be like catnip for Presidential election junkies. now has a front page national map with the polling averages state-by-state for the 2008 Presidential race, 2008 Senate races and 2008 Governor's races.

Straight Talk Express Stuck In The Mud

Eugene Robinson at WaPo discusses how quickly St. McCain has gone to mudslinging to try and get an edge on Obama.

House Judiciary Committee Votes To Hold Rove In Contempt of Congress

I don't know if the attempt at a citizens' arrest fazed former presidential adviser Karl Rove any yesterday, but if I were him, I'd be more concerned about this morning's vote by the House Judiciary Committee in favor of holding him in contempt.

Senator Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) Indicted

Senator Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) has been indicted on seven counts of making false statements in his financial filings.

One I Hadn't Thought Of

There have been many methods for protesting Karl Rove and general NeoCon tactics over the years, but one I hadn't seen before was the good ol' citizens arrest. Four people tried to perform a citizen's arrest on Rove for war crimes in Des Moines, Iowa, as he appeared at a country club fundraiser, and all four (a Methodist minister among them) were arrested.

The VP Landscape: Hurry Up And Wait

So what do you do as a presidential contender if your opponent is capturing the media cycle with overseas trips and you don't actually have anything substantive to compete with for the press' attention? Well, if you're John McCain, you leak that you might be choosing a running mate really, really soon now.

The Enemy of My Friend Can Be My Friend

The House Armed Services personnel subcommittee, in its hearings yesterday on the "don't ask, don't tell" policy, found itself in an unexpected moment of bipartisan unity in support of gay servicemen and women as an ardent critic of gays in the military (and women as well, for that matter) showed her true colors, spouting often illogical, sometimes downright incorrect accusations that seemed to unify committee congressmen against her ravings.