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The Texas Blue
Advancing Progressive Ideas

The Texas Blue: News

Radovan Karadzic Arrested

Radovan Karadzic, the former President of the rump Bosnian Serb government and indicted war criminal, was arrested Monday in Serbia.

The Thin Purple Line

The Chron has a story this morning on the political battle lines being drawn in Harris County for the '08 cycle. They spot Democrats as ahead of Republicans in fundraising and campaign resources, and note some of the more active organizations in the area working to keep that lead.

Brimer Loses In Court - Again

Republican State Senator Kim Brimer has tried to find some way to prevent Wendy Davis from running against him time and time again this cycle — understandably so, I suppose, considering the string of ethics complaints against Brimer that have made him a particularly weak incumbent. He went to bat again recently with his lawsuit to take Davis off the ballot, and today he struck out once again.

Separation of Church and State Board of Education

The buck got passed on constitutional separation of church and state once again as the State Board of Education approved general guidelines for an elective Bible course in Texas schools.

Science From The Right: Autism "A Fraud... A Racket"

I was hoping Michael Savage's wannabe-scientific ramblings on kids with autism just being "brats" with bad parents wouldn't actually get much play; the last thing I want to do is give that guy a bigger mouthpiece. But now he's made the Times for his ignorance. I can only imagine the spike in listeners that he'll get out of it.

Sun Will Rise, Sun Will Set, Dobson Will Endorse McCain

I was one of many people who thought that perhaps this was the election where the fundamentalist base of the Republican Party finally divorces itself from a "not conservative enough" Republican candidate. But there's been plenty of evidence that the relationship between Senator John McCain and the leading luminaries of the fundamentalist movement like the leader of Focus on the Family, James Dobson, and Pastor John Hagee of San Antonio's Cornerstone Church is as strong as ever.

Another New Low for McCain

Julie Mason at the Chron's Beltway Confidential points out that "I'm going to run a clean campaign" McCain officially put out the first negative ad of the presidential race a few days ago.

9 Percent

Oh, boy. Lawrence Lessig just stepped onstage for the afternoon keynote, and he starts out by saying he's dedicating it to Speaker Pelosi "with all due respect - or morethan the position deserves." He's also given out the refrain of "9%" -- as of yet undefined. This is bound to be contentious. Liveblogging in the comments, as usual.

Iraq Prime Minister: Obama's Right

Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki gave an interview with the famous German news weekly Der Spiegel yesterday where he named Barack Obama's 16-month withdrawal plan specifically as the "the right time frame for a withdrawal."

The Netroots Nation Halftime Show

There's a sort of trend in most multi-day conventions that can be seen as they progress. Every passing day, the crowds walking into the morning keynote tend to get a little thinner, their eyes a little blearier, their attention perhaps a little, well, less attentive. This is often worst on Saturday mornings, as folks are recovering from the full frontal assault of Friday night parties.

The Netroots Nation organizers, clever folks that they are, seem to have found the cure for that. No matter how bleary-eyed, nobody was going to miss the question-and-answer session this morning with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi — and if there was anyone still unimpressed, that quickly ended when Al Gore made a surprise appearance.