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The Texas Blue
Advancing Progressive Ideas

Josh Matlock's blog

Primary Qualification: Drinking the Kool-Aid

Apparently the primary qualification for working in the Bush administration is drinking their Kool-Aid. Actually being capable of doing your job well can be a strike against you. Recent revelations indicate that it could even disqualify you totally from consideration, or get you fired.

Poll Shows Deluge of Disillusion for GOP

According to the most recent New York Times/CBS News poll, Republican voters are dissatisfied with their current field of 08 presidential candidates; view their party as divided; and are troubled their party has drifted from Ronald Reagan’s principles.

Stephenville Hosting KKK Rally

The KKK will be rolling into Stephenville March 17 to hold a rally at the Erath County Courthouse. The City of Stephenville will be shutting down a number of streets around the courthouse to facilitate the event.

The Republican Straw Man

This Republican candidate for president has two estranged children, a history of infidelity and divorce, is pro-choice, pro-gay marriage, and anti-gun. Who could this be? The answer is former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani.

Department Of inJustice Under Scrutiny

A Senate committee is looking into the allegation that Sen. Pete Domenici (R-New Mexico) and Rep. Heather Wilson (R-New Mexico) pressured a federal prosecutor on a corruption case against Democratic candidates before the last fall elections.

Opportunity for Improvement

Lubbock, Texas has teenage pregnancy and STD rates that exceed per capita state and national averages. Mayor David Miller is alarmed, and claims that these rates tax the entire community by inflating local health care and insurance costs.

Knowing When to Say When

President Bush has a history of not knowing when to say when. Despite his remaining clean and sober for years, the President currently struggles with a new addiction: Iraq.

It's an Elephant Eat Elephant World

Democratic members and activists should take note of how enjoyable it is to watch Republicans eat their own. Remember this, because Republicans surely receive just as much or more enjoyment watching Democrats do the same.

Chippendales Dancers, Public Enemy #1

In Lubbock, Texas, the Lubbock Police Department is declaring war on exotic dancing. In this city of 200,000 people, there are no liquor stores, no beer in convenience stores or grocery stores, and now: no dancers frolicking around in their underwear.

Opening a Window for Wind Power

The Texas Public Utilities Commission is considering a $1.5 billion proposal by South Texas' Sharyland Utilities to build an electric power transmission loop through the Panhandle and South Plains of Texas tying wind power to traditional power grids. Approval will lead to billions of dollars in future wind power projects and thousands of megawatts to the electric grid.

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